2007年5月29日 星期二

影片欣賞 駭客任務3

1. The program Smith has grown beyond your control.
2. Do you know what happened to Neo?
3. If you ______ me a beer, I'll _____ you a massage. bring, give
4. Which answer is NATURAL? _____ past the flesh and ____ your enemy. Look, see
5. In less than 12 hours, the machines will breach the dock walls.
6. Can Zion be saved?
7. I believe in him.

in this activity i got 5/7

2007年5月28日 星期一


STUDENT03, on a scale of one to six, your response to this assignment was rated a 2 for organization.Organization relates to your ability to present your ideas in a logical and ordered fashion. Your organization is limited. Typically, a response at this level shows little evidence of organizational structure and sequence of ideas.
STUDENT03, now that you have your ideas written down, read your work out loud to see how well you organized your ideas and then try the following as you revise.
Revision Goal 1: Give your essay a good introduction.
1. At the end of your introduction, you should include one sentence that tells your reader what your essay will be about. This is called your thesis statement. Highlight this sentence in yellow. If you do not have one, write one now.
2. You also need to grab your reader's attention in the introduction. Make the first sentence of your introduction a question, a quotation, or an interesting fact or statistic.
3. In your introduction, you should also give background information to explain important information about your topic to your reader. Underline the background information you include. Now, add more information to give your reader an idea of what your essay will be about.
Before Revision:I admire my Aunt Sophie because she is a hard worker, a talented musician, and a wonderful teacher. I have always admired Aunt Sophie because she is so nice and caring. My mother told me that she has been this way her whole life and nothing is different now.
Oscar's Strategy: I need to grab my reader's attention. I also need to add important background information so that my reader will know what my essay will be about.
After Revision: There are many talented people in the world, but none that work harder in life than my Aunt Sophie. My mother has told me story after story about Aunt Sophie's kind acts for family and strangers alike. My experience with her has not been different, and I can always count on her to be a hard worker and a talented teacher to myself and others.
Oscar's Reflection: I grabbed my reader's attention with a connection to the world around me and I added background information about why Aunt Sophie is a great person to admire.
Revision Goal 2: Use transitional words to help connect your ideas.
1. Using transitional words (for example, first, second, third, next, in addition, however, on the other hand, as a result) can help you move from one main idea to the next. Highlight, in orange, the transitional words and phrases in your essay.
2. If there are few or no words highlighted in orange, add more transitions now. For example, you can add transitions between paragraphs or between sentences. Use the word bank to help you!
Before Revision: Aunt Sophie says the reason she is such as successful musician is because she worked hard to become one. She has always been a hard worker because it runs in the family. She learned from her father that working hard is the way to succeed, and she saw all of his hard work each and every day. Her hard work paid off when she was invited to play in a concert hall in New York City. She has won many awards and has played in concerts all over the world. She traveled all the way across the Atlantic Ocean to Greece where she played an outdoor concert under the stars. Thousands of people attended.
Aunt Sophie is a great music teacher. She gives me an hour-long piano lesson every Sunday afternoon. Aunt Sophie makes me practices scales and chords, but after a few minutes she helps me practice songs. I am learning to play "Happy Birthday!" I am so lucky to have a teacher like her because she is so patient with me and she really believes that I will be a great piano player like her one day.
Oscar's Strategy: I need to add transitional words and phrases to connect my ideas.
After Revision: First, I admire Aunt Sophie because she is a hard worker and a talented piano player. She says the reason she is such as successful musician is because she worked hard to become one. In fact, she has always been a hard worker because it runs in the family. She learned from her father that working hard is the way to succeed, and she saw all of his hard work each and every day. When she was eighteen, she saw her hard work pay off when she was invited to play in a concert hall in New York City. Since then, she has won many awards and has played in concerts all over the world. Last year, she traveled all the way across the Atlantic Ocean to Greece where she played an outdoor concert under the stars and thousands of people from all over the world attended.
Secondly, Aunt Sophie is a great music teacher. She gives me an hour-long piano lesson every Sunday afternoon. During the first half-hour of my lesson, Aunt Sophie makes me practices scales and chords, but after a few minutes she helps me practice songs. Right now, I am learning to play "Happy Birthday." I am so lucky to have a teacher like her because she is so patient with me and she really believes that I will be a great piano player like her one day.
Oscar's Reflection: I added transitional words and phrases between sentences and paragraphs to show how my ideas connected.
Revision Goal 3: Give your essay a strong conclusion.
1. Underline your conclusion. If you do not have a conclusion, add one now. Your conclusion may summarize your essay, leave your reader with something to think about, or teach your reader a lesson.
Before Revision: My Aunt Sophie is an example for all in the way she works, teaches, and plays music. It is not hard to see why I admire her and you should too.
Oscar's Strategy:I need to add more information to my conclusion because it is not a complete summary and does not leave the reader thinking about anything.
After Revision: Aunt Sophie is an example for all in the way that she works, teaches, and plays music. If more people in our society could combine their talents together as well as Aunt Sophie, we would all benefit from it. Aunt Sophie's work ethic should be copied by everyone, and if that happened we would all be better off.
Oscar's Reflection: In my conclusion, I included a complete summary of why I admire Aunt Sophie and I left my reader with something to think about.


1.Have you ever experienced a natural disaster ? What happened? Describe your experience.
A: yes. 921 earthquake is very horrible, but i was sleeping when it happen.

2.Which natural disaster do you think causes the most harm? Why?
A: Earthquake. any of the nature disaster can divinable, but only earthquake can't. And only earthquake have big power.

3.Which one of these facts about trees is the most interesting to you? Why?
A:each year, one tree produces nearly 260 pounds of oxygen. this realy astonished me.

4.Have you ever seen any fascinating or famous trees ? If so, describe them.
A:Going to see the Supernatural wood in 阿里山, but now it had been hit by thunder.

effert of technology

With the progress of science and technology, human’s life is more and more convenient, lots of man’s creations amaze us- airplanes, electricity, cars, space shuttle…ect. But compared to the nature man is nothing.
As for present medical science, there is no disease that medicine can’t cure except cancer. But few years before there was a dangerous disease ”SARS”, lots of people had been killed.
The industrial development makes the mankind progress fast, more and more carbon dioxide had been discharge, it makes world’s temperature higher and higher each year. This causes the abnormal weather of the world, lots of typhoons, hurricanes, tornadoes and earthquakes. It even caused flood drought and volcanoes.
Technology is very useful a powerful, but the power of nature is more terror. No one can stop it, so we must find the way to use the good quality of the both because Earth is unique. What can we do for helping the Earth? Reduce creating carbon dioxide even though plant more trees. The more we do the more time it lives.

2007年5月15日 星期二


1.Q: Why was operation smile formed?
Would you like to be a medical volunnteer and help a child?
A:Dr. william P. Magee and his wife Kathleen they went toPhilippines and saw children
with cleft lips and clsft palates, they want to used surgery to fix those children's faces.
i'd like to go if i have enough of time, but i will donation some money.
2.Q:How do you think children's lives are being changed after they have surgery for cleft lips?
A:They must be vary happy.
3.Q:Which organization belog to N.P.O. in Taiwan?
Can you learn from it and describe your volunteerning ambition.
Yes, my mother are a volunnter in 921 Earthquack, she went to 南投and help those

2007年4月17日 星期二

The art of life

There is happiness and sadness in our life, but what is our goal? Man dies but his name lives on. What is our life? We can’t let it be useless. In the battle filed, fighter use their blood to protect their home; farmer plants to produce food. It must be useful to set an example in material, don’t look down upon yourself.
There are a lot of great men in history, such as Confucius, napoleon, Einstein, Newton, etc. But whom I appreciated most is Beethoven. His ears are deaf, but still can make the beautiful music for us to listen. He not merely can excite other people’s ability on the music circle. Furthermore he makes those wounded or disabled personages to have better hope and encourage them to survive in the future. My second one that appreciated is father of republic of china Sun Yat-San, he saw the fish sailed against the current when he was a child. So he resolved to do some large undertaking thing. He failed in times in the revolution, but he would stand erect and never shake. Finally to got a successful result in the 11th revolution.
A Psalm of Life talks about a lot of things that we should do, but not all of us can accomplish, neither me. The things that I can do are limited, but I can treasure time, do not waste them. I once saw in a book, that someone hopes to hold a cap sitting beside the road, and let the transient pedestrian can give some time that they do not need to him. From here we can find out people’s aspiration of time. So we must treasure the time. As the saying goes “time is money”

2007年4月16日 星期一


my midterm not too good, not too bad, it just find.
my writing score was high, i am alittle shock.
since my knee operation, it been a month .
but i still can't run, when could i run?