2007年2月12日 星期一

New semester ; New hpoe

Dear teacher
This my first English class in this semester. At this semester I'd like to learn more, but I hate homework. I'm good at liseaning and speaking, but writing was very poor. My goal is to have 85/100 on ECL.
I watch movies to improve my English, and try to understand their humer.When I was first grade in high school. I went to Australia one mouth, and went to every place where I'd like.

1 則留言:

Happy 提到...


It's good job. Thank you for telling your style. However English will be improved by enhancing 4 skills-- reading, listening, writing and speaking. I hope you can keep up with each others. Just you said, you watch more movies and understand the humor of English. You can post your thoughts on these. Cheer!